To initialize the connect flow, redirect your users to with the desired OAuth2 flow parameters.
Query Parameters
Must be S256 (SHA-256), we do not support a "plain" code_challenge. For more information see the PKCE RFC.
PKCE Code Challenge
If using OpenID, the nonce should be set to a random value and verified against the nonce in the returned id_token to mitigate against replay attacks.
To enforce that an Other Page account must have linked the wallet that is connecting to your app, set wallet
to the users current connected wallet address or a known wallet address. This will prompt the user to either link or login with the corresponding wallet.
State should be set to a random value and stored in a session to prevent CSRF attacks. This value will be returned in the redirect URI and should be validated.
A space delimited list of scopes to request access to. See GET /connect/scopes for available scopes.
The location the user will be redirected to. Must be defined in the connect app.
Your connect app ID obtained in the community dashboard.
Only authorization_code with PKCE is supported.